L-ewwel esperjenza biex tikteb u taqra
l-ewwel esperjenzi bil-qari u l-kitba fuq dawn il-whiteboards! Fuq naħa jkollok stampa biex wieħed ikun jista jqabbel ma’ l-ewwel ittra tal-kelma; filwaqt li fuq in-naħa l-oħra, wieħed jista jipprattika il-kitba, jitrejsja il-kliem billi juża l-pinna li hemm fil-kontenut.
My first reading and writing experiences
First experiences with reading and writing on large whiteboards! On one side they see the phonemes and match them to the first letter of the word; on the other, they practise writing, tracing the words using the dry-wipe pen
Nikteb u Naqra
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