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Aqra, ħoss u isma

Titgħallem taqra u tikteb issibha veru faċli b’dawn l-erbgħin karti speċjali: b’dal mod it-tfal jitgħallmu jispellu l-kliem. Qabbel l-ewwel ittra tal-kliem ma l-istampa li ssib fuq il-karta tal-logħob, imbagħad għaddi subajk minfuq l-ittri ħorox u ħoss l-ittri b’subajk.

Read, touch and listen


Learning to read and write is easy with these 40 special tactile cards: children can pronounce the words, match the first letters of the words to the pictures, and then trace the sand-papered letters with their finger.


Age: 3+

Lehhiet Tal-Alfabett Tattili u Fonetiku

SKU: HB-29235
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