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XXL maltese books, fun for kids to read on their own or to be read to the little ones as a bedtime story.


Size: 42 x 30 cm


Is-Sħaba l-Imqarba u lejlet il-Milied

Kulħadd kien qed iħejji għall-Milied: In-nanna bdiet issajjar il-ħelu, Katrin, Martin u Filippa marru l-purċissjoni tal-Bambin, l-anġli bdew ikantaw u l-istilel bdew jiddu. Is-sħaba l-imqarba wkoll bdiet tħejji ruħha, imma ma kellhiex pjanijiet sbieħ. Tgħid x’kienet biħsiebha tagħmel? Irnexxielha ttellef il-ferħ u l-paċi ta’ dan il-lejl imqaddes?


Is-Shaba l-Imqarba

SKU: KM105
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