Based on the original fairy tale by Brothers Grimm, this magical opera tells the tale of Hansel and Gretel. Children will love the thrill of this classic story, as well as learning more about composer Engelbert Humperdinck, and hearing some of his beautiful music and songs, sung in their original language, German.
List of titles:
01 - Hansel and Gretel are hungry
02 - Father talks about the Ilsenstein forest
03 - Night-time in the forest
04 - The witch with the gingerbread house
05 - Gretel defeats the old witch
06 - A happy reunion
Running Time - approx. 45 minutes
Age Recommendation - Age 6+
Material - Plastic
Special features - Magnetic, hand-painted
Included in delivery - 1x Tonie
Requirements - WLAN with internet connection and Toniebox required.
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SKU: TO-10000271
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